
Freckles & Unfinished Business

Summer is in the air.


I'm not insane, I just daydream a lot. About floating alphabet letters. S-U-M-M-E-R.This summer, unlike previous ones, will be absolutely tragic. Or not.
Perhaps I am just a bit too theatrical when it comes to facing the things of life.Such as oral presentations. Or say...turning twenty years OLD in August.

Just like past summers, this one will be ice cream-flavoured (despite my intolerance to lactose), filled with broken promises to get a tan (and getting freckles and skin cancer instead)
and an awful lot of unfinished business.

would not
be a good time to die.

Unlike past summers, this summer will not be spent in Paris or Krakow
or NYC or Cape Hatteras.
Or Kaszuby

(best place in the universe up until I brutally and oddly grew up and apart from it some time ago).

I won't travel to California to find out about my (deceased) actress mother for a school project, like Vada, nor ride a bicycle with my pseudo-lover in a
very non-heterosexual way to the sounds of Goldfrapp. I will not return to my hometown after years, chain-smoking like a chimney, dressing solely in black and being bitter (you know typical things writers do), to
reunite with my childhood friends and remember the good times.
And have an epiphany about my adult life. Or two.

No, this summer, I will become old. Officially.
Funnily enough, I feel much older than 20. I feel like I am about 120 with the exuberant amount of things that I have learned in the past 5 years. I am continuously evolving, and at a frighteningly rapid pace.

would not be a
good time to get a tattoo.

All jokes aside, I am counting on this year to bring
Just the good kind, obviously.
Some things this summer could possibly bring:
-a potential tan
-la débauche in Amsterdam
-tons of Bunny-time

This year shall be different, I promise. No more promises I cannot keep. I shall update this blog.
Or not.